The story of your marriage

Francis Joseph of Austria

par Guido Bruno

If Francis Joseph of Austria Should Die?

My Favorite Murder

par Ambrose Bierce

Having murdered my mother under circumstances of singular atrocity, I was arrested and put upon my trial, which lasted seven years. In summing up, the judge of the Court of Acquittal remarked that it was of the most ghastly crimes that he had ever been called upon to explain away.

Our War With Mexico

par Elbert Hubbard

Shortly before his departure for Europe and his death among the victims of the Lusitania, I asked Mr. Elbert Hubbard to write me a short note on the possibilities of political complications and a war of the United States with Mexico.

The Art of Will Rothenstein

par W. G. Blaikie Murdoch

There have been few finer periods in British art than the closing of last century.

The Leper

par Charles Gorham Barney, Jr.

After being a few hours on the trains, one becomes accustomed to the fellow passengers; their incessant talking—their coming and going. These things cease to make any impression upon senses fatigued by the confusion and too rapid change. One withdraws so far into one's self that consciousness of all surroundings is deadened. And so it was with the leper as, staring absently out of the car window, he watched the trees, the hills, the fences pass in endless glissando.

We Fear no Hell After Travelling awhile on Earth

par E. F. Mylius

Recently, in Hell, Satan was approached by his Prime Minister, who humbly craved an audience of the Spirit of Evil. The wings of Satan were many millions of miles long and glowed with the radiance of burning charcoal.