In praise of rich women

Goodbye Adam

par William Davis

Our theme is to replace Labour.'s restrictions with Conservative incentive. We utterly reject the philosophy of compulsory wage control. We want instead to get production up and encourage everyone to give of their best.


Wages and salaries may have been frozen, but promotion and the assumption of extra duties and roles will mean a way out of the ice for some. If not for ail

Marriage Stakes

par David Langdon · visuels: David Langdon


Ail That Glisters May Not Be Gold, But Most Of It Is

par Alan Coren

Indoctrinated from our earliest years, we're bound to grow up prejudiced against ri ch women. Unfair ! cries ALAN COREN, what we need is a few new legends ...

Love Me, Love My Cheque Book

par Fenston Bresler

Philandering for fun and profit noted by FENTON BRESLER

For the Woman Who has Given Everything

par Jonathan Routh

Neiman Marcus are at it again. Last year the Dallas, Texas store was encouraging the rich woman customer at whom its Christmas catalogue is directed to give His and Hers midget submarines. A previous year it was Islands.

For the Woman Who has Given Everything

par Jonathan Routh

Neiman Marcus are at it again. Last year the Dallas, Texas store was encouraging the rich woman customer at whom its Christmas catalogue is directed to give His and Hers midget submarines. A previous year it was Islands.

United I stand

par John Wells · visuels: Hawken

JOHN WELLS continues our series in which writers are asked to form their own political party


par Murray Ball

Continuing the adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero


par Murray Ball

Continuing the adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero